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It might be true that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but the price tag may mean that, for some, that dazzling diamond solitaire is just out of reach. A jeweller’s job is about more than just making jewellery, it is about managing customers’ expectations. If your customer has 2-carat taste and a 0.1-carat budget, you don’t have to convince them to get a chip; you could steer them in a different direction instead. Here are some great alternatives to diamonds that are easy on the budget and hard to tell the difference from a layman’s perspective.


Not many of your customers will have heard of Moissanite before, but this up-and-comer in the jewellery world is definitely one of the best diamond alternatives out there. With a hardness of 9.5 on the Mohs scale, the stone is beaten only by diamonds when it comes to hardness. On the BRI (Brilliance refractive Index), Moissanite scores just over 2.6, which means it actually has a bit more sparkle than a diamond. And at a fifth (or less) of the price of a diamond, moissanite is a great diamond alternative.

We will talk more about moissanite next month, where we will give you a full comparison of moissanite vs diamonds. In the meantime, take a look at our other dazzling diamond alternatives:

Swarovski® Zirconia

Created to replica the natural beauty of the diamond, Swarovski® can be indistinguishable from a diamond to all but a professional jeweller.  The Swarovski® zirconia’s pure brilliance cut is designed to perfectly replicate the brilliance of a diamond and at 8.5 on the Mohs scale, it is not as hard as a diamond or moissanite, but still hard enough to be wearable. The look and price-tag make Swarovski® Zirconia a great alternative to diamonds; as a jeweller and designer, it can be a tough job convincing your customer to compromise, but if the do, the results will be well worth it!


If you suggest a sapphire instead of a diamond, you will probably raise a few eyebrows from people who think the stone comes in blue and possibly pink, but not white! If your customers want a bigger stone but don’t necessarily want diamonds, white sapphires are a great option. They are priced lower than a diamond, and more readily available in larger sizes. What’s more, with a hardness of 9, it is the third hardest stone after diamonds and moissanite. As far as a jeweller is concerned, a white sapphire is probably an easier “sell” to someone with their heart set on diamonds as it is still a recognised precious stone.

Choosing the right stone is the toughest part of a jeweller’s job; by having an honest and open dialogue with your customers, you can help them to make the best choice for their needs, taste and budget. And, with the help of Durston Tools, you can craft a setting for each stone that truly does it justice.

What’s your favourite diamond alternative? Let us know!

Our jewellers’ tools and accessories aren’t just for world-class jewellers; they are for anyone who wants to craft their designs using the best quality, traditional jewellery making tools. Whether you are a learner dabbling at home or a professional with aspirations to reach the dizzy heights of the jewellery world, at Durston Tools, we are proud to provide you with the best tools for the job.