The Double D2 Rolling Mill from Durston is a different mill featuring two sets of rolls; one for flat rolling (having side extension rollers incorporating four half rounds) and the other grooved for the square wire rolling. The excellent gear ratios offer 7-1 load reduction on flat rolling and 3.5-1 for wire rolling, and enables a smooth manual operation with minimal effort. The extra-wide flat area means a full 130mm rolling surface is accessible, while the grooved rollers provider 19 square wire grooves ranging from 10mm to 1mm. The side extensions provide four half rounds in 4, 3, 2 and 1.5 mm. This mill is Durston’s first incorporating roller bearings. For additional safety, all gearing is covered with plastic housing and the large, easy-read calibrated discs and guide plates ensure safe operation through this mill’s long lifetime.
Additional Resources:
Click here to download the instruction manual.
Click here to download the mounting hole diagram.
Click here to download the product diagram with dimensions.
Additional or Replacement Extension Rollers available for this model:
Extension Roller 8, 6 & 3mm for Double Rolling Mills
Extension Roller 10 & 7mm for Double Rolling Mills
Extension Roller 4, 3, 2 & 1.5mm for Double Rolling Mills (Included as standard)
Extension Roller Plain for Double Rolling Mills (Included as standard)
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