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PrecisionFit™ Showroom Boxed Ring Sizing Set (UK Half Sizes D-Z 6)

£124.00 exc. VAT

The PrecisionFit™ UK Showroom Boxed Ring Sizing Set from Durston Tools. The set comes complete with a PrecisionFit™ Aluminium Ring Mandrel marked with UK Half Sizes D-Z 1-6, 57 individually marked finger gauge rings engraved with half sizes for easy reference and is set in a leather showroom display case. The finger gauges have rounded inside surfaces, and all have 5mm width. Our PrecisionFit™ technology is the most accurate ring sizing system in the World, guaranteed to provide a perfect sizing between mandrels and rings. PrecisionFit™ is the USA’s favourite ring mandrel range, with over 20,000 sold in the USA per year!

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